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Silence Supreme

By May 7, 2023May 15th, 2023No Comments

Silence will reign supreme,
When people are no more,
No footsteps on the street,
No knock upon the door.

No laughter in the air,
No voices in the breeze,
No clatter of dishes,
No rustling of leaves.

The world will stand in stillness,
As time ticks slowly by,
The absence of all living things,
Will make the stillness sigh.

The quiet will be eerie,
The emptiness profound,
A world without the living,
A deafening lack of sound.

Nature will reclaim its land,
And flourish in its place,
The only noise will come from wind,
As it howls through empty space.

But in the void of human life,
There’ll be a certain grace,
A peacefulness that fills the earth,
In this empty space.

Silence will reign supreme,
When people are no more,
But nature’s music will play on,
And the world will still adore.